From Mon Sep 30 23:21:04 1996 Return-Path: Received: from (localhost []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id XAA12380; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 23:21:03 -0400 Precedence: bulk Errors-To: Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 22:29:36 -0500 (EST) From: Jerry Bryan Subject: Solving One Cubie To: Cube-Lovers Message-id: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT I've been thinking about a simple little problem I thought I would share. Most of the solution is in the archives, but under other guises. Suppose you scramble a cube and give it to a cubemeister with instructions to solve any one cubie. This is a truly trivial problem, but let's see what it can teach us. The most obvious question is -- what is God's algorithm? That is, from any position, what is the minimal solution? The cubemeister would observe that for any position, each of the eight corner cubies and each of the twelve edge cubies has its own individual minimal solution which is easy to discover. The cubemeister would then choose the cubie with the smallest minimal solution and solve it. Given this simple technique for God's algorithm, what is the maximal position? That is, what is the position where the minimal solution is as large as possible? We start with the edges. The solution is in the archives in two separate articles. On 6 August 1980, David Vanderschel introduced the concept of Oriented Distance from Home (ODH). On 7 January 1981, Dan Hoey used the ODH concept to show that the Pons Asinorum position requires exactly twelve quarter turns for solution. But for our purposes, the salient point is that an edge cubie can be at most four quarter-turns from home. There is exactly one such position for each edge cubie. And the only position for which each edge cubie is four quarter-turns from home is the Pons. So for our trivial little problem, the maximal position for the edges is the Pons. I have found little information in the archives concerning the same problem for the corners. (By the way, I have this vision in my mind that the information for the corners is in there somewhere, but I cannot find it, neither in the archives nor in Singmaster. Am I remembering a mirage, or is it in there somewhere and I can't find it?). Vanderschel does not define an Oriented Distance from Home for corners, but the generalization is obvious. The following are the ODH values for the f facelet of the flt cubie. 1+2 +T+ 2+3 l+2 0+1 1+2 2+3 +L+ +F+ +R+ +B+ 2+3 1+2 2+3 3+2 1+2 +D+ 2+3 The maximum distance from Start for any particular corner cubie is therefore three quarter-turns. The question then is whether all eight corner cubies can be three quarter-turns from Start simultaneously. There are probably a number of ways which will work, but the following works very nicely. Place each corner cubie in its diametrically opposed corner cubicle. For example, place the flt cubie in the bdr cubicle. The twist doesn't matter for the individual cubies, except that the overall configuration for the eight corner cubies must conserve twist. The reason that twist doesn't matter is that when a corner cubie is in its diametrically opposed corner cubicle, all three twists are conjugate (see below). The maximal position for the corners can peacefully co-exist with the Pons for the edges. That is, if each corner cubie is in its diametrically opposed corner cubicle, the parity of the corners is even (as is the Pons). In a certain sense, God's algorithm for a single corner cubie is identical to God's algorithm for the 1x1x1 cube, which is to say, it is identical to God's algorithm for the rotation group of the cube (which we normally denote by C). (See my note of 14 Nov 1995.) Here is how it works. Consider any particular corner cubie such as flt, and consider any sequence of quarter-turns such as TL where each quarter-turn moves the cubie in question. Then, the "same" sequence of whole cube rotations (tl, in this case) will have the same effect on the same corner cubie. Here, we are using the lower case letters t and l to denote whole cube quarter-turns and the upper case letters T and L to denote the face quarter-turns. The converse is also true if we are careful. That is, each whole cube quarter-turn may be denoted in two ways. For example, t is the same as d'. To convert from whole cube rotations back to quarter-turn face turns, we would convert t to T or to D' depending on whether the cubie in question were on the Top face or the Down face at the time. The same trick does not work for the edges. The problem is that face turns and whole cube turns are not fully interchangeable. For instance, T and t are interchangeable for the Top edge cubies, as are D and d for the Down edge cubies. But there is no equivalent interchange for the "equator" of edge cubies fl, lb, br, and rf. (Well, maybe you could do it if you allowed slice moves, but we are not working with slice moves.) I am always interested in symmetry, usually as represented by conjugacy. For whole cube rotations, there are five conjugacy classes. (Again, see my note of 14 November 1995.) For individual cubies, we define conjugacy as follows. Let X and Y be functions (not permutations) which are the restriction of normal permutations to the cubie in question. Then X and Y are conjugate if m'Xm=Y for some m in M, the set of 48 rotations and reflections of the cube. m' must be restricted to the pre-image of the domain of X, and m must be restricted to the range of X. With the various permutations thus restricted to functions on the single flt cubie, the conjugacy classes are as follows: 1. I 2. F, F', L, L', T, T' 3. FF, LL, TT 4. TL', TB, FT', FR, LF', LD 5. TL, L'T' 6. FRR, LDD, TBB 7. FTT, LFF, TLL Note that if we treat all the moves as whole cube permutations rather than as functions on the flt cubie, then #4 and #5 are collapsed down into a single conjugacy class, as are #6 and #7. Then, the conjugacy classes are the same as the ones for the 1x1x1 cube. When I first started working on this little problem, I thought the conjugacy classes for a single cubie might provide a non-arbitrary frame of reference for defining twist. They almost do, but not quite. a. When the cubie is in its home cubicle, its twist is obvious. However, we can observe that I, TL, and L'T' place the flt cubie in the flt cubicle. TL and L'T' are conjugate, but they are not conjugate to I. Hence, it is natural to take I as the untwisted state. b. When the cubie is immediately adjacent to its home cubicle (there are three such cubicles), the conjugacy classes can be used to define twist. For example, the flt cubie is placed into the ftr cubicle by F, T', and by LFF. F and T' are conjugate, but they are not conjugate to LFF. Hence, we can take LFF as the untwisted state. c. When the cubie is immediately adjacent to the diametrically opposed cubicle (there are three such cubicles), the conjugacy classes can be used to define twist. For example, the flt cubie is placed into the frd cubicle by FF, LD, and by LF'. LD and LF' are conjugate, but they are not conjugate to FF. Hence, we can take FF as the untwisted state. d. When the cubie is in the diametrically opposed cubicle (there is only one such cubicle), I don't see any way to use the conjugacy classes to define twist. All three twists are conjugate, and hence none is inherently different from the other two. For example, FRR, LDD, and TBB are all conjugate. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Robert G. Bryan (Jerry Bryan) Pellissippi State (423) 539-7127 10915 Hardin Valley Road (423) 694-6435 (fax) P.O. Box 22990 Knoxville, TN 37933-0990