Date: Tue, 5 May 87 17:19:21 EDT From: Alan Bawden Subject: TOC Seminar -- Akos Seress -- Thursday May 28, 1987 To: CUBE-LOVERS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU Message-ID: <195855.870505.ALAN@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Mathematically inclined Cube Hackers in the Boston area might find the following seminar interesting. All I know about this is what I read here in the abstract. (I'll bet its been a while since anyone on this list did any serious thinking about the Cube as a permutation group...) DATE: Thursday, May 28, 1987 TIME: Refreshments: 3:45PM LECTURE: 4:00PM PLACE: NE43-512A PERMUTATION GROUPS IN NC AKOS SERESS Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Given a permutation group G on an n-element set A by a list of generators, we present NC-algorithms (parallel algorithms using (log n)^c time and n^c processors) for basic permutation group manipulation (membership testing, order). These problems have been suggested by Cook and McKenzie to be LOGSPACE-complete for P and therefore not in NC unless NC=P. We shall outline previous work by Luks on the subject and focus on the key problems left open by Luks' 1986 FOCS paper. In particular, we shall discuss in detail, how to construct in NC any permutation from a given set of generators of the symmetric group. The presentation will be elementary, although the analysis of the algorithms depends in several ways on consequences of the classification of finite simple groups. Our methods have sequential consequences as well. We obtain algorithms for basic permutation group management with O(n^4(log n)^c) running time, improving one order of magnitude from the best prevously known results (Knuth, Babai, and Jerrum). This is joint work with Laszlo Babai and Eugene M. Luks. Host: Professor David Shmoys