Date: 6 Jun 1982 17:11:14-PDT From: decvax!minow at Berkeley To: ucbvax!cube-lovers@MIT-AI Note: this is a resubmission of my note of Saturday June 6 which was bit by typo's. Thanks to RP@MIT-MC for pointing them out. I have been using the following notation for the 4x4 cube: Name the faces L, R, F, B, U, D. This follows the 3x3 notation. The inner edges are then l, r, f, b, u, d. The front, upper, right quadrant consists of one corner cube, FUR, two edge cubes, FUr and FRu, and one center cube, fur. Note that the Ideal book uses Lx etc for the mid-slices. Moves follow 3x3 notation: F moves the front face clockwise, f moves the front slice clockwise. F' moves counterclockwise. ** SPOILER WARNING ** SPOILER WARNING ** SPOILER WARNING ** The remainder of this message describes two processes for the 4x4 cube. ** SPOILER WARNING ** SPOILER WARNING ** SPOILER WARNING ** The following process rotates three edge cubes. It preserves parity. (FUl UBl URb) l' RUR'U' l URU'R' The following process rotates three center cubes. It can be used to move one center cube between two faces. (Ful Ulb Urb) l' rUr'U' l UrU'r' While the center process is sufficient, the edge process will not organize all edges. It can easily be extended to a process that moves (FUl to UBl) but that process messes up centers, corners, and other edges. It also does not do 4-way moves. So the bloody thing still takes an hour. Martin Minow decvax!minow@berkeley