Date: 31 Mar 1982 1821-PST From: ISAACS at SRI-KL Subject: 4**3,5**3 To: cube-lovers at MIT-MC I should think you could solve a 4x4x4 cube by applying 3x3x3 moves, using different combinations for the "center slice" - ie, rotating the center two slices together allows all the regular corner moves; it also allows switching adjacent edge pieces (in pairs) by using whatever you use to flip edges in 3x3x3. Using only one of the center slices as "center", and turning the other with a face should allow flipping a pair of L-R pieces, so that L becomes R and vice versa. The center 4 pieces (which I haven't thought about carefully) probably can be changed around at (even parity) will, sometimes treating them as edges (since they can be carried along on certain of the "edge" moves), and sometimes as centers (for instance, to rotate a group of 4 of them halfway around in place). I don't know what new parity limitations exist; nor do I know if the same type of sequences are efficient for solving (ie, top-middle-bottom, etc), but I shouldn't think the new cubes will be so very much more difficult. I would assume the 5x5x5's could be handled similarly, except, of course, they have a real center. --- Stan -------