Date: 10 Sep 1981 1447-PDT From: ISAACS at SRI-KL Subject: cube query To: cube-lovers at MIT-MC The 2x2x2 cube is solved in the corner sub-group, ignoring the (non-existent) edges. The so-called "Dinman Style" cube (probably meant to be "diamond") has the corners cut off and everything stretched to make a somewhat distorted rhombicuboctahedron (the six center facies are square; the corners are now triangles, and the old edges are rectangles). Solving this involves only positioning moves - all orientation (twisting) is invisible. Thus these two cubes involve two "pure" subgroups. Can anyone design (by either cutting, recoloring, or even inventing new mechanisms) cubes or pseudo-cubes which only involve edge-type moves, or which only involve twisting, with positioning ignored? --- Stan Isaacs -------