Date: 31 DEC 1980 1115-EST From: DCP at MIT-MC (David C. Plummer) Subject: the higher order SPHERE slices To: McKeeman at PARC-MAXC CC: CUBE-LOVERS at MIT-MC Sigh, my goemetry needs to be zapped back into working order. I really did mean icosahedron instead of dodecahedron (they both have 12 faces). I was originally thinking of the fixed axes pointing at the center faces, but pointing at the vertices is an interesting idea. I shall have to think about it a little. About the general case: "slice a sphere a buncha times." Holding it together is REALLY the tricky part. Consider the 7x7x7 CUBE. Do a 45 degree clockwise rotation on the top face (half a quarter twist). The problem is that the ENTIRE FRU corner cubie COMPLETELY hangs over the front face. This means that the 3-D jigsaw-puzzle idea that keeps the 3x3x3 cube together will not work on order 7 and higher order CUBES.