Date: 6 Sep 1980 0021-PDT (Saturday) From: Dal at UCLA-SECURITY (Doug Landauer) Subject: errata To: cube-lovers at mit-mc Attn: DMM@mit-ml: No, unless my message got garbled somewhere in the midwest, it was correct about c8 and c9, the three corner-cubie movers. I.e., c8 ( <3(FrfR)3(RUru)> ) cycles them cw, and c9 ( <3(FrfR)3(fuFU)> ) ccw. (Much shorter ways to do similar things exist, e.g. to move around three front corners (left two and fur) cw). In these descreptions, the `cw' and `ccw' do not refer to individual cubies but rather to the triangle of three cubies involved, that's why I call it "cycle" == move cubies around, rather than "twist" == re-orient a corner cubie in place, or "flip" == do the same for an edge (side) cubie. You're right about EB. Attn: Dan Hoey at CMU-10A Regarding C7: When I first made this list up, I used m,n and o to represent i,j and k because it was unclear which of i,j and k was which. m is the same as i, and M == I. My cube-turning moves are: I,J,K=front-top-right clockwise move cube's front to top or top to front move top to right side or right side to top move right side to front or front to right side thank you... ... dalgorf -------