Date: 4 August 1980 20:36-EDT From: Alan Bawden Subject: cube permutations To: DDYER at USC-ISIB cc: CUBE-LOVERS at MIT-MC The part of the proof that shows that you can actually reach all the configurations in a particular equivalence class is not particularly elegant. Basically, you have to appeal to the details of a particular cube solving algorithm. For example, I have a tool that "flips" two edge cubies in place, without desturbing anything else. This tool shows that I can orient the edge cubies in ANY even permutation of the edge cubie faces. The fact that I cannot obtain any odd permutations is a result of the fact that a quarter twist is itself an even permutation of the edge cubie faces. Most people can examine their own cube solving tools and see that in fact, they are capable of obtaining all the configurations not forbidden by the familiar constraints.